Spirit Speaks "The Presence of Heart"
By Astara E. Edmonds
A full version of this newsletter is available at this Constant Contact link: https://conta.cc/3HOVLT8
As 2024 unfolds, be willing to reflect on all that has been learned through your experiences during the past year(s) and embrace the new opportunities for further growth and self expression that is at hand. With all the ups and downs of living, trust that you have the inner strength and courage to be exceptional and valuable by just being who you are.
Astrologically, the current alignment of planets points us in the direction of increased awakening to higher truth with more clarity. With increased awareness, we are able to see through deception more easily. This empowers us all to make better choices based on truth. Sometimes the truth hurts and yet, processing through it sparks our inner courage and fortitude. We can emerge from the process with better insight and direction.
The Age of Aquarius heralds a new cooperative relationship between the masculine and the feminine. The turning of an Age is a significant time to be living and participating with our personal love and light. We will see a metaphorical shedding of the skin as the old paradigm of Patriarchal rules break down. The rise of the Feminine is destined to emerge more noticeably as increased intuition, receptivity, compassion, freedom and equality.
With the energies of accelerated change taking place within us, it is important to be willing to release, cleanse, let go, as well as being willing to open, receive and expand. The current energies are supportive of bringing to the surface and pushing out oldest, deepest programs, beliefs and patterns. Questioning is healthy and helps us make conscious choices while trusting our Higher Self.
With all the inner changes occurring in us, new perspectives are taking place regarding our life choices. With new perspective we can now accept the challenges along side the blessings that is our life experiences. Acceptance allows us to be less judgmental of ourselves and the behaviors of others in our lives. It helps us allow others to be who they are in their personal evolution while we acknowledge our own evolutionary growth. Each step in consciousness helps us live life with a greater sense of gratitude and purpose.
Gratitude for even the smallest things opens our hearts to better receive and give love, kindness and compassion. The Universe responds to the vibrations we put forth and a theme of gratitude draws to us more positive people and experiences.
Being able to rejuvenate during stressful times strengthens our spirit and helps us with mental clarity, emotional stability and physical stamina. Â While this process is challenging, it is important to remember how to maintain peacefulness using the tools and techniques we have acquired such as deep breathing, grounding and holistic practices.
Lifting oneself or another out of the density of fear and constriction is an act of empowerment. It is love and compassion, caring and sharing that lifts us and propels us forward in unity.
May you find your creative inspiration and freedom to express it. May your body be healthy, strong and resilient. May you know your angels and higher beings who guide you. And, may your love for yourself deepen and blossom, to share with others.
We are here to offer our visions of harmony and cooperation to our home, our society and our world. As humans, we have a great capacity through our heart center to LOVE so we can create a space for safe, joyful, uplifting changes to occur.
We are here to create through our heart’s desire, a safe, consciously inspired world.
We are here to create peace and dignity within the human race and to honor our homeland of Mother Earth.
This is our moment to choose wisely.