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Love As Intention

By Astara E. Edmonds

As 2021 winds down and the newness of 2022 begins, we are all faced with evaluating our ups and downs, challenges and accomplishments of the passing year. Inner inventory is often a slow and methodical process requiring patience and a willingness to see one's self honestly. This means having a willingness to make changes. Sometimes the inner struggle to make changes bumps up against our desire to stay the same familiar self. When in this process, remember to be kind and loving to yourself.

Wayne Dyer wrote “The Power of Intention” which teaches us the significance of intention as a guide for moving forward, the power of our inner thoughts to offer direction to our actions and the power of our expectations to attract what we need and want. Many messengers remind us to not dwell on the pain of past hurts and disappointments as that attracts more of the same. Releasing and letting go becomes a way forward and creates freedom from our burdens and attachments.

The astrological influences of 2020 and 2021 have carried major themes for letting go and releasing which has been very personal and simultaneously global. All of humanity is in transformation. As our collective consciousness shifts to increased compassion, kindness and loving acceptance, humanity shifts and moves forward in the direction of greater heart centered behavior. Don't underestimate your role in this process as every drop in this ocean of humanity counts.

The awakening of our awareness does face obstacles of negativity and lower vibrations which challenges us to be courageous. As we each face personal challenges in close relationships, work places and more, remember your power of intention to see clearly and to be guided by your heart and intuition. Sometimes the most loving action is to cut the ties that bind us while keeping an open heart. The cords and hooks will no longer have power while more freedom from karma and toxic soul agreements becomes available.

As 2022 arrives with new energy for the year, look at what you want to create that is positive to your well being. The numerology of 2022 is the number 6 which carries opportunities for more loving relationships, brand new relationships, ways of being of service and improvements in health.

May we all be blessed now and moving forward in the expansion of our hearts, expansion in our understanding of each other with honor and respect along with expansion of our self love. We are all teachers for each other as we all grow in awareness and take important steps forward in loving stewardship of our earthly experience and Earth herself.

Astara E. Edmonds


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