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A Call To Heart

By Astara E. Edmonds

"Winter Solstice 12/21/2020, marks our entry into the Age of Aquarius leaving behind the Age of Pisces. An astrological “age” shifts about every 2,150 years. Along with the winter solstice, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is also in the sign of Aquarius with seven celestial bodies moving into Aquarius in February of 2021. This is the closest Jupiter and Saturn have been since 1623 and is known as the Christmas Star. It can be seen in the southwest sky about thirty minutes after sunset. Across the planet, indigenous people are saying that this is the transition of entering a new age.

As we collectively move into Aquarian energy, we will all experience a movement toward a more humanitarian world based on freedom from oppression. That includes the rebuilding of more just societies to include taking better care of each other and the earth.

It is a time of renewal, creative inspiration, letting go of old ways and attitudes while deepening our sense of inner trust and wisdom.

The high frequency of light that we are experiencing at this point in time continues to illuminate the shadows for processing and healing within us individually and within the global community. We are still breaking old outdated patterns in order to free ourselves so that we are able to create newness without the burdens and strings of attachment that bind us to the past. With your heart, define what you want to create and trust in it.

Your heart center is expanding to express greater amounts of compassion, kindness and unconditional love. Your intuitive/psychic center is expanding to perceive greater insights. Your physical body is increasing its need for higher quality nourishment to feed and fuel the ever changing cells and DNA. Each stage of expansion requires us to adjust ourselves so that we remain open to further expansion. With an expanded heart, we can look within ourselves and define with clarity what we want to create. The importance of what we focus on is significant as our thoughts and feelings are powerful creative forces.

Let us all remember to be present in our daily experience of life. Take time to be still, to meditate, to rest, to nourish body, mind and spirit so that you can navigate through your personal changes on a changing planet. Trust your heart, intuition, wisdom and Soul through whatever is before you. Aim your intentions for positive and safe forward movement that illuminates your path.

Let’s remember the value of our gifts, the techniques of healing and meditation, the significance of a grateful heart, and our compassion for others.

We have the power to create a better world and the time is Now to manifest it."

Astara E. Edmonds


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