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In Support of You

By Astara E. Edmonds. Full post of Astara Visions Newsletter available at

Constant Contact

Our planet has entered a reboot phase, a significant pause, to re-calibrate our way of life. Are our behaviors life sustaining or damaging? While the world is moving through this crisis of dramatic change, what can support our personal process?

Honoring our emotions is important including fears, worry, anger, disappointment, loss, grief, confusion, etc., while aligning with patience, calm, trust, balance, guidance, understanding, wisdom, purpose and faith. Loving ourselves through all the emotions is one aspect of managing our well being.

Trust your heart, intuition, wisdom and Soul through whatever is before you. Aim your intentions for positive and safe forward movement that lights your path.

The key is to not dwell in the soup of anxiety. Use the personal tools you have developed over time to find that place of balance. It may be meditation, yoga, Reiki, breath work, walking, resting, music, silence, connection to nature, creativity and more. From that place of balance comes guidance for how to navigate this situation.

It is helpful to remember the warmth of gratitude and appreciation, no matter how small, for creating peace.

The personal and planetary transformation of awakening that has been occurring for years is at a peak acceleration with the astrological influences of Pluto and Saturn requiring change. We are breaking old patterns in order to free ourselves so that we are able to create newness without the burdens and strings of attachment that bind us to the past. Define what you want to create and trust in it.

One higher purpose is the awakening of hearts and connection to each other on a massive level. This unifying of humanity is necessary for the life sustaining measures to come forth on a global level. We can collectively create a better world.

This is also an important time to support our physical body. One area of importance is in choosing foods that supports our immune system. Foods that are rich in nutrients can also be enjoyable and spark our creativity in preparing meals.

Since I enjoy cooking and I am dedicated to a wellness approach to food, I have created a special web site offering several recipes from my cookbook "Spirit and Spices, The Vegetarian Way". It is a way I can be helpful during this pandemic and hopefully contribute to you making healthy and tasty meals. I will be adding new recipes to this site as time goes on for you to enjoy. (see link below)

I personally wish for you a peaceful heart and trust in your good health and safety.

We each have within us the seeds of renewal and rejuvenation for ourselves personally and for the planet. This is a time of visioning with clear intention a safe, respectful world environment to live in. This is a significant purpose for the reboot we are in.

As we allow compassion to expand within our hearts, our global family will benefit from our acts of kindness, rather than acts of division. We all need each other in so many ways as we all contribute our light and love to our planet Earth.

New recipe blog:

AstaraCooks link

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