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"Faith in the Eye of the Storm"

The Fall Equinox of 9-22-2017 brings us all a powerful planetary alignment that gives us an opportunity to choose newness in our lives. New direction is calling to us for any aspect of our lives based on our inner values. Than means we are to review what really matters to us regarding family matters, relationships, friendships, location of home, work/service, health, global outreach and environmental concerns. Change is at hand and we are being asked to take inventory of our lives in order to make wise choices that move us forward in positive and productive ways.

Trust is a significant part of our experience in choosing wisely. We are born into this world with a Soul purpose and plan. Our Soul guides us along our path through ups and downs, joys and sorrows and what we define as "good" and "bad". In this time of so much change on this planet, we must remember that we came here to to learn and grow as we experience everything. Some of our experiences are pleasant and fun and some are hard and challenging. There is purpose to it all even when we don't see it. That is where trust and faith come in.

I witnessed hurricane Harvey, experienced hurricane Hermine last year and hurricane Irma this year and thankfully, was kept safe. Watching hurricane's Jose and Maria churning their ways through land and lives, is personal for me. Watching the devastation of the various earthquakes and floods, is personal for me. Personal, because we are all a family of humans, together, experiencing this earth.

For me and my husband, preparing for Irma was a blend of careful thinking with elevated intuition. It was a moment of being in alignment with deep inner guidance to process the logistics and the emotional concerns. We and our community came through safely with minimal damage as the eye passed near to us in the night.

With the entire state in the bulls-eye, many people processed where to be that would be a safe haven which led to many evacuees on the move to somewhere. We were all in this together. Clearly, everyone became a friend or neighbor. The notion of "stranger" did not hold power. Compassionate hearts reached out to offer support while also receiving support. The wave of storm energy engulfed us in togetherness. There were and continue to be hardships and challenges but resiliency has emerged with renewed presence.

As we live in a time of global transformation, the world feels topsy-turvey. It takes dedicated effort to be centered and not slide into the despair of gloom and doom. Our very heartbeat is our ever present reminder that love , as Source, is always present. Even in the midst of struggle, love has not abandoned us. Love is at our core and teaches us about ourselves through our experiences.

The Light has been turned on and turned up to the highest frequency at this point in time. This Light is illuminating the shadows for processing and healing within us individually and within the global community. As we stand in our Light and allow it to shine brightly, we strengthen our collective illumination for darkness to fade. We are breaking old outdated patterns in order to free ourselves so that we are able to create newness without the burdens and strings of attachment that bind us to the past. Define what you want to create and trust in it.

Your piece of the puzzle is becoming more evident to you each day as your self worth and self respect is growing in intensity leaving behind the old paradigm of fear. The heart center is expanding to express greater amounts of compassion, kindness and unconditional love. The intuitive/psychic center is expanding to perceive greater insights. The vessel that you are is expanding to become a larger vessel for the flow of information. The physical body is increasing its need for higher quality nourishment to feed and fuel our ever changing cells and DNA code activations. Each stage of expansion requires us to adjust ourselves so that we remain open to further expansion.

Let us all remember to be present in our daily experience of life. Take time to be still, to meditate, to rest, to nourish body, mind and spirit so that you can navigate through personal changes on a changing planet. Trust your heart, intuition, wisdom and Soul through whatever is before you. Aim your intentions for positive and safe forward movement that lights your path.

Look to those who inspire and encourage you and know that you also inspire others with the Light that you are. As we allow compassion to expand within our hearts, our global family will benefit from our acts of kindness, rather than acts of division and separation. We all need each other in so many ways as we all contribute to the beautiful tapestry of Humanity.

We are awakening to our Highest Truth: that we are worth the Love that is within us, the Love that defines us and the Love that expresses through us. Thank you for the Light that you shine upon the world. Your Light is dynamic, so shine brightly!

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