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"In Our Light of Service"

We are truly worth the love that is within us, the love that defines us and the love that expresses through us. One the of most difficult awakenings for the human spirit is often the embracing of self love. And yet, without this acknowledgment, we give our power away to separation and suffering. Every step we take in claiming this incredible birthright, brings us closer to the truth of who we are. We are love.

Yes, the world is filled with negativity, pain, confusion and so much more and yet, above all this delusion, we are love. As we notice the injustices of our own behavior and step free of our attachment to them, we liberate ourselves to move in new positive ways. This allows us the freedom to express ourselves as loving beings in service to each other and the planet.

A variety of loving services can come in the form of art, photography, healing, counseling, nutritional advice, growing and sharing good food, caring for animals, helping a friend, wearing a smile, offering a hug, listening, generosity, planting a tree, being kind and more. It is the little kindnesses that impact people around us and remind all of us that giving and receiving is valuable to our ever expanding heart.

Giving and receiving has equal importance and value for our growth. Look at your talents and gifts to see how someone may benefit from them. These gestures of giving have a powerful effect on dispelling fear, distrust, depression, confusion and grief. Look to those around you for the talents and gifts that are available for you to receive. Honorable sharing can become a bridge to lifting our inner spirit to higher levels of creativity and productivity.

For the humanitarian person, being of service is a prime part of living life. It is an inner compulsion or driving force for our involvement in helping others when they are in need. While the humanitarian heart is naturally compassionate and often generous, finding balance in the giving is also important. Remembering to value ourselves as well as each other will bring strength and resourcefulness to our interactions with family, friends, community and the world.

We are living at a time of global transformation, a shift in our personal and collective awareness. We are living within a dynamic energy field of awakening. This means expansion in our abilities to perceive and know higher truth. It also means our ability to recognize what is false and detrimental to our well being. The purpose of this increased awareness is to bring a higher level of wisdom and unity to humanity and remind us that we are ONE. We are a bridge to each other and to life around us. The world responds to our input, so let's remember the power and guiding spirit of love.

My vision:

May we all awaken to the fullness of our divinity and love within.

May we all open to our worthiness to receive love and compassion.

May we all know our freedom to share this love with each other and all of life.

May we all recognize our gifts of inspiration and purpose.

May we all walk our individual paths that intersect and weave us together, with dignity.

May we all Let Our Light Shine and Bless this Sacred Earth.

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